Saturday, February 22, 2014

Seminary snapshot Saturday

 Well, friends, after not too much delay or ado- here's my room! All it's lacking is a roommate (her name is Lucila and she'll be arriving next week)!
 Proof positive: I made it to Argentina, and spent all morning cleaning downstairs. Dust+humidity=awesome hair. Every time.
 The narrow staircase up to my 'pieza' (with my towel as a banner of sorts)
 The girls' bathroom, which somewhat perplexes me. Yes, that is the shower knob right next to the sink- no curtain or floor dividers.
 The courtyard, complete with an 'urban missions' poster.
 Even though you can't tell, I spent all morning cleaning this room. Count the beds...kinda glad that I'm a girl (minority) and so I get one roommate instead of 5 ;)
 By far my favorite spot in the semi- the terraza (roof space). With blankets from downstairs airing out.
 And of course, no self-respecting Argentine establishment would be complete without a grill to make "holy" asado.
The view from the terraza: Almagro, Buenos Aires. That's all for today, folks! 


  1. Hi Jill! I like your posts and photos! You know....I've never been to Buenos Aires, but it reminds me a lot of Brazil! Be blessed friend! Beatriz

    1. Ooh I bet so! Ah and it's just over the border...maybe that's where I'll go for vacation... You, too! If your students ever need anything on Argentina, let me know!

  2. GAH memories!!! It's still so beautiful! Thank you for posting!
    Hahaha that And the terraza. Such beautiful times.

    1. Isn't it? You're welcome! I finally used the shower this morning- not as tricky as I thought because the water doesn't wet the back wall, so I could hang my clothes there. But the water was COLD. Yes, the terraza =)
