Monday, February 10, 2014

Argentina Resolutions

By this time next week, I will be in Buenos Aires: fully jet-lagged and fully there. I'll be moving into my dorm room at the seminary, unpacking summer clothes, my Bible and lesson plan resources, and after a round of terere (cold mate tea mixed with juice), I'll hopefully fall sound asleep to the sounds of constant life and traffic. 

The year that I've been anticipating since graduation is about to begin, and it's becoming really...real. 

Reality hit me square in the sauna the other day, and so I wrote a series of resolutions. It seemed like a good idea at the time- maybe the heat was getting to me- but I kept the list and thought I'd share them here. 

Resolution #1: I will be humble. 
In the words of Avatar (the blue version of Pocahontas), "you are like a baby, making noise, knowing nothing." It's pretty near the truth. There's a whole lot I don't know- Buenos Aires, my roommate, Argentina, students, how I'll keep my head functioning only in my second language or how I'll keep my heart thousands of miles away from my family (yes, dear friends, you count as family too).

Resolution #2: I will be teachable.
Fortunately, ignorance doesn't -or shouldn't- last forever. The way I act and talk will be corrected by everyone from my fellow students to the cashiers at MacDonald's (last time I was in Buenos Aires, some fast food workers thought my accent was hilarious, and made fun of the way I said "hamburger"... true story). I will accept criticism and correction as an opportunity to learn- much easier said than done!

Resolution #3: I will prepare, teach, serve, and encourage. 
My mission at the seminary, and other places, in a nutshell. 

Resolution #4: I will trust in the LORD with all my heart, not leaning on my own understanding. 
...Because there will be a whole lot that I won't understand. When I follow Jesus, I'm not going anywhere that he hasn't already been; when the Holy Spirit (παράκλητος) comes alongside me, I don't walk alone. 

Resolution #5: I will write blog posts. 
And take pictures. So help me mom. 


  1. I look forward to hearing more of your adventures ... and resolution #5 :D!

  2. Yes, hear, hear to resolution #5
