Friday, August 15, 2014

My friends are getting married, and I can't go to their weddings

Note that I didn't say "all my friends." There are plenty of you who are not getting married right now, whether that's because a) you're already married or b) getting married is not in your cards within the next few months. See, I'm getting better about not generalizing over-dramatically.

Still, it's a fair enough generalization: I went to a Christian liberal arts university, and so did many of you. Whether or not you got that fabled "ring by spring," it's probable (possible?) that you're getting married within a year or so after graduation. Thus the explosion of wedding invitations.

None of which I can accept. Not in the 'I can't accept that you're getting married, because I'm absurdly bitter' way. I genuinely am quite happy for you. Just in the 'I live a few thousand miles away from your venue, and it just isn't feasible for me to attend' way. You understand, right?

I'm starting to understand. See, this is the time of life when decisions have almost larger-than-life consequences. Jobs. Relationships. Travel. Faith. Certainly decisions had effects before, but they were all wrapped up in the bubble-wrapped package of Education for me. Now, the world got a whole lot bigger, and so did the repercussions. I chose to live in Argentina this year, and while I still don't know what the long-term fallout of that will be, for right now it means that I miss out on significant bits of your life. Although, to be fair, you also chose to get married this year.

...Or not get married. Wouldn't want to generalize there. Either way, choose wisely and enjoy the consequences  =) Wish I could be there, but then, I wouldn't be here. Profound, eh? 

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